I happen to love Ro*tel. I use it mostly for salsa (I'll have to post that recipe soon!), and Chicken Tacos (also in the "to be written" file). Ro*tel also happens to be one of the few canned products that I buy non-organic and without much thought because I happen to think it makes a delicious base for salsa.
My lovely mama (who is my main inspiration for making healthy homemade food) thought that there must be a better way! With a bit of research via google and Pinterest, and good old fashioned knowledge (this woman is a genius with canning...I want to be her when I grow up), she came up with a general recipe for homemade canned Ro*tel. (feel free to adjust to taste for hotness preference, or get creative with your choice of bell peppers) Steps are outlined below and I'll share the complete recipe at the end.
Step 1:
Wash and prep your tomatoes. Getting rid of stems and dirt!
(While you're at it clean your sink out and fill 'er up with ice water...you'll need it in a second!)
(or 30)
((so many parenthesis!))
Step 2:
Remove skins of tomatoes by placing them in a pot of boiling water for 30 seconds or until the skins split. Remove promptly from water and proceed to step 3.
Step 3:
Immediately place the "split skinned" tomatoes in a ice water bath, and peel the skins off of the tomatoes with your hands.
(Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty!)
((Also a good job for kids wanting to help....or 26 year olds who are wandering around taking pictures and getting in the way....))
Step 4:
Core your tomatoes, then dice them, and place in large stockpot.
Step 4 1/2:
You need to seed and dice bell peppers (any color, this choice is a personal preference) My father did this the night before and I forgot to get pictures, but trust me...they're there!
(see right side of picture above)
Step 5:
Dice onion and jalapeños....place in stockpot.
(I highly recommend wearing rubber gloves while dicing and handling jalapeños...you don't want to accidentally rub your face and then have it burn all night...and/or spend a good portion of your night drinking/splashing milk all over your face....please wear gloves, I speak from experience)
Optional Step:
(starting anytime)
Put all vegetable scraps in compost!!
Step 6:
Add vinegar, sugar, and canning salt, and then bring everything to a boil. Reduce heat and let everything simmer for 45 minutes.
Step 7:
While your tomato mixture is cooking away (being awesome...albeit a tad vinegar-y smelling) you'll need to prep your jars. Wash and sterilize the jars and lids and set aside for use in a bit. Place lids in a bowl of hot water so that they are still hot when you place them on jars.
(here's a link to instructions for proper sterilizing...safety first!!)
Step 8:
Add 1 TBSP of bottled lemon juice to each pint jar. (an added protection from botulism)
Step 9:
Add tomato jalapeno mixture to jars, leaving a half an inch headspace.
Wipe edges of jar with a dampened paper towel to clean up any gunk, and put hot lids on and tighten.
(It's important that the edges are clean so that the lids will seal)
Step 10:
Place jars on a rack in your canning pot. Wait until water starts boiling and then lower jars into water. Place lid on top and set timer for 45 minutes.
(the amount of time you water bath your jars for will depend on your altitude level. Click here for recommendations)
Step 11:
Take jars out of canning pot
(using potholders and jar lifters please!) and
place on counter...
Stand back and enjoy the fruits of your labor!
Step 12:
Take pictures!! (and send them to me so I can appreciate your awesomeness!!)
Canned Tomatoes and Jalapeños
8-12 pints depending on juiciness of tomatoes
- 12-13 lb tomatoes
- 2 bell peppers
- 1 large onion
- 8 jalapeños
- 3/4 C. white vinegar
- 1/4 C. sugar
- 1 1/2 TBSP canning salt
- Bottled lemon juice
- 8-12 pint sized jars (including lids and screw top rings)
Bring a stockpot of water to a boil. While waiting for the water, wash tomatoes and then set aside. Thoroughly clean your sink, plug it, and fill with ice water. Once your stockpot of water is boiling, lower a few tomatoes in and watch carefully. As soon as you see the skins split (about 30 seconds) use a slotted spoon to scoop the tomatoes out of water and immediately place them in the ice water. When the tomatoes are submerged in the cold water the skins will be easy to peel. Peel, core, and chop the tomatoes. While you have your chopping board and knife handy you can go ahead and seed and chop the bell peppers, dice the onion, seed and chop the jalapeños.
Place tomatoes, bell peppers, onion, and jalapeños in a stockpot and add the vinegar, sugar, and canning salt. Stir and bring mixture to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 45 minutes.
Have your sterilized jars and lids ready to go when your mixture is done cooking. Place a TBSP of lemon juice in each pint jar and then fill the jars up with your mixture. Leave a 1/2 inch headspace on top. Place sterilized, hot lids on jars and lightly finger-tighten rings. Place jars on canning rack in a canning pot. Bring water in canning pot to a boil and then GENTLY lower the jars into hot water bath. Set your timer for 45 minutes.
Remove the jars and place them on the counter. The jars will seal throughout the day. You will hear them popping. If they seal then you'll be able to push down on the lid and it won't pop in and out. After it seals you're good to go and they can be stored and used whenever you require! If they don't seal, after cooling they need to be refrigerated and used immediately.
~Chantry and Carla (My mom)