Sunday, March 2, 2014

Museum of Discovery-ing

Friday afternoon the girls and I ventured up to Fort Collins to check out the Museum of Discovery.  I've been meaning to check it out and I am so glad I did!  It's a hands-on, kid-friendly museum with a large music section, a great giant building block area, lots of little building areas, a fun little Colorado dinosaur and wildlife display, and a wild wild west area (that I would love to explore better next time).  The girls had a wonderful time, and I can't wait to take them back.  I ended up buying a family membership so hopefully we'll have lots of opportunities!  

We met my friend Amber and her girls there.  The older girls played hard and the little girls ran around after them trying to keep up the best that they could!

This was part of the music display.  They had lots of listening stations where you could experience all the different instruments and old-timey music.  

And then there was this display…behind glass and everything.  
I feel so old now, I had both a magnavox stereo and a walkman growing up. 

Ella was very excited the whole time.  It was very entertaining watching her! :-)

Little people learning

Building bridges, I asked if they were going to be engineers when they grow up and was inform that "No, that's boring" ha, I guess you just can't compete with the aspiration to become a princess.
Maybe we'll aim for Princess Engineer
 (you can be both) 
Tornado Chamber
…it's like a normal day in Wyoming ;-)  Don't miss that at ALL

The girls thought it was great fun :-)

Ella and I were the only ones that were too chicken to go in :-)
That's okay though,
 it was perfectly entertaining enough on the outside!

Overall, I think that we'll be back soon!  
Next week my goal is to take the girls to the Art Museum in Loveland.  It looks pretty amazing!


  1. Oh my goodness, that last photo of Zara is hilarious.

    1. Lol, I know! I was laughing so hard when I was editing these :-)
